Editorial Panel

The FashionGenTrendz team assists you in living your most exquisite life. We have spent countless hours collaborating with global brands, marketing professionals, and industry experts to curate insights that sift through the clutter and unveil top-notch products. We ensure our articles are factually correct, accurate, and relevant for the readers. You can count on us to bring in-depth industry news, fleeting fashion trends, and beauty ideas.

Ram Charan

As a Chief Editor at FashionGenTrendz, Ram Charan,  a tech-savvy geek, believes crisp and engaging content adds value to customers and drives immense sales. In-depth research work helps to provide insights into user/search intent, unraveling marketing trends, and analysis. Honed ample experience in writing for 400+ niches and provides treasurable insights into user & search intent in lead generation. 

On the flip side, have hands-on experience in Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Affiliate Marketing, and Social Media Marketing landscape that transforms passion into a fulfilling career.

With a penchant for creativity, weave words to brew content that transforms ideas into engaging narratives. Currently, exploring my skills in the most competitive yet challenging Ad Campaigns and Video Scripts. In leisure, love to binge-watch web series and movies on OTT platforms, read self-help books, and hang out with friends.

Varun Kumar

Hey trendsetters! Ready to dive into a world where digital mastery meets fashion finesse? I’m a SEO Specialist adding my unique SEO-powered touch to this FashionGenTrendz blog’s vibe. Expect content that’s fun, fresh, and always on point with the latest trends. Let’s make this journey one where style meets strategy. let’s explore the intricacies of luxury brands, timeless styles, and beauty innovations, promising you a journey that’s as lavish as it is enlightening. Hereby delivering you a blog experience that’s as cutting-edge as your wardrobe.